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Kingsclere Players History

In a publication of the Kingsclere News in  1961 the Players are recorded as performing the show Dry Rot at the Albert Hall in Kingsclere. In 1962 an advert appeared for new members with a subscription of 5/-    Sadly, by April 1963 a brief note appeared saying that due to 'lack of acting members' the Kingsclere Players were forced to cease activities.

A revival of the Players in 1965 saw a collaboration with the TADPOLES (Tadley and District Performers of Light Entertainment) to perform Doctor in the House. Due to it's success the Kingsclere Players reformed on an official basis, and an AGM was held at the Crown in DEC '65. From this meeting it was proposed they put on 2 shows a year and had a healthy recorded merged cashbook account with the Tadpoles showing a sum of £39.19.2 1/2d.

During the next few productions a loss was sustained - the last entry in the cash book was Oct '67.

A newly formed group emerged in 1973 as the Kingsclere Primary School PTA Drama Group and by the time of the next production in January 1974 they were reviewed as the newly-formed Kingsclere Players.

As membership grew, many productions were performed at the local school and then Burghclere Village hall. Mike & Susie Stokoe made their debuts and many bigger, grander productions were produced.




In 1989 Mother Figure was taken to the Cricklade Drama Festival and came 2nd with Susie Stoke winning first prize in the Chapel Press Award for best performance.  The first play to be performed at the Fieldgate Centre for the Players was House Guest in 1991.


In the 90s, the Players participated in numerous drama festivals, earning accolades and certificates across various categories. Many shows were staged during this time (check out our past productions page),  and many modest profits were made. Not every play garnered glowing reviews though - such is the nature of theatre! With a strong group of members, including our local NODA representative Chris Horton, the only direction was forward...(Play On was performed in 1999 and is going to be our Spring production 2025!)

1992 -

The Kingsclere Players had a rich and varied history from 2000 to 2022, featuring numerous shows, collaborations, and memorable performances - not to mention some good profits! Highlights included a Medieval Banquet, radio show readings, and a production of Ten Times Table for their 50th Anniversary in 2014, with some events held in the charming St Mary's Church. However, the journey hasn't been without challenges, including the loss of cherished friends and the impact of Covid-19, which forced the group to pivot with a radio version of A Christmas Carol. As we look to the present day, the Players are excited to usher in a new era, with the restructured committee aiming to reignite interest and bring the magic of theatre back to the community.

Check out our About Us page, Past Productions and our Gallery to see what we've been doing since re-structuring. Like what you see - why not come and join us - contact us on the link below.

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